The clinical features of BD was gradual decline of brainpower, orientation obstacle, characteristic changes, pseudobulbar palsy, manifestation of pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor system damages. BD临床特征:进行性加重的智能衰退,定向力障碍及人格改变,假性延髓麻痹征,锥体系及锥体外系损害的表现。
Conclusion It was suggested that the main damage of spastic cerebral palsy were motor cortex and pyramidal tract, the main lesion of athetoid cerebral palsy was extrapyramidal system. 结论(1)CMR异常改变提示痉挛型脑性瘫痪以运动皮层和锥体束损伤为主,手足徐动型脑性瘫痪以锥体外系损伤为主;
The frequency of cerebellar ataxia, pyramidal bame signs, dysarthria and damages of automatic nervous system are 92.1%, 86.8%, 84.2% and 76.3% respectively. 2受累系统症状出现频率为小脑共济失调92.1%,锥体束征86.8%,构音障碍84.2%,自主神经损害76.3%。
Compensatory development of the extrapyramidal structures in the absence of the pyramidal system 锥体本系缺损时锥体外系的代偿发展
The modern level system, in fact, demonstrates same principles or similar ways to configuring functions, takes the form of pyramidal criminal justice system, and the three-level courts consist of court of first instance, court of appeal and the supreme court. 现代审级制度在实质上体现着相同的原理或相似的功能配置方式,即大体均为三审终审的金字塔型审判系统,且三级法院分别由初审法院、上诉法院、最高法院构成。